Playing is simple, but firstly you must be a registered user to play the game. Once you are registered and logged in, go to the 'Play Now' section and predict the order in which you think the first 15 riders across the line at the next MotoGP race will finish in.
To make your prediction follow the simple instructions in the Play Now section. You can change your prediction up to 15 minutes before the start of the relevant MotoGP race.
Whoever scores the most points at each round wins MotoGP Grandstand race tickets for the Grand Prix of their choice. Points from each round contribute to your overall score throughout the season, with the final winner in the general Fantasy MotoGP 2009 standings winning a Yamaha JogRR MotoGP bike. There are also great prizes for runner-up and third place overall as explained in our Prizes section.

You will always receive points for a lower position if that is where your rider ends up. If your rider finishes higher than you predicted you will only receive the points for the position in which you thought he would finish, whereas if a rider finishes below where you predicted you only receive the points related to his actual final position.
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